

Brand Identity
Motion Design


After Effects

March - May 2022

Brand Identity

App Design & Research

User Personas

User personas help us show who our typical user would be. Our target audience are health-conscious individuals looking for new ways to get health benefits from plant based sources. We provide them with a unique blend of fruits that are not typically accessible to the public.

2x2 Graph

2x2 graphs help use prioritize the functions within the app. We can determine how much effort it will take to build the features versus the impact of including it in the application.

Competitive Audit

Before designing, we did research about our competitors and the features they include in their apps. This helps us see what we can do to level up our own features within the app.

User Flow

We created a user flow to see an overview of the functions in the app. This allows us to lay out the flow of what a user will go through when carrying out a specific task such as personalized profiles, signing up, ordering a drink or managing their subscription.

Lo-Fi Wireframes

Hi-Fi Wireframes

App Demonstration